Selected Work

More Consumers Agree That Your Advertising Likely Sucks

There is trouble in advertising land. Consumers are increasingly annoyed with advertising. This has been created by the marketers and their ad agencies. But our question is who is responsible and accountable?

Take Me Out To The Ball Game With Your Customer Prospects

With rising media costs and CMOs finding it tougher to drive return-on-investment with the big net of spending into the media waters in hopes of catching customers, it's time that some of those brands look to cohorts. Are Major League Baseball fans an option? Read on to find out if MLB is right for your brand.

Marketers Could Replace Sports Sponsorships With Art Galleries & Aquariums

Before spending their next dollar, marketers might want to reconsider their sponsorship strategy and approach based upon consumer shifts.

Where International Vacation Travelers Are Heading, Or Not

With in the influx of soft news stories focused on the upcoming Spring break and summer vacation getaways, we took a closer look at which international destinations are growing and shrinking. The results may surprise you.

Where to Watch the Super Bowl

Consumers Are Shifting Where They Will Watch The Big Game That Could Affect Grocery Sales

Diversity in Advertising Could be Experiencing a Reversal by Consumers

Two years ago, 23.7% of respondents aged 18 and older in the MRI-Simmons survey strongly agreed that culturally diverse advertising is essential for a company's relevance. See how that's changed now.

Left Off Madison Digs Into Specific Ethnicities To Carve Out Its Niche

Their specialty: digging deeper into ethnic audiences and their distinct tendencies (as in, Columbians are different from Mexicans or Argentinians, even though many agencies tend to lump them into one Latin cohort)

A Shift Toward Mass Personalization: Robert Douglas, Left Off Madison

Besides a whole lot of mid-sized companies scrambling to get their own 1st party data collection going as they weather cold, harsh reality of a cookless targeting future, I see a huge push in DTC.

People are the Most Important Asset: Robert Douglas, Left Off Madison

Our industry is based upon people — that is the primary and most important asset. Having and retaining the best talent is the most important attribute an advertising agency can deliver its clients.

One To Watch Unfold: Cadillac, EVs, and Black Audiences

As it turns out, Black car buyers are just not that interested in EVs right now.